


PRINTED IN TCI WEEKLY NEWSshutterstock_17934307 (532 x 600)
Sept 8th, 2012

A filling (or restoration) is required when there is a cavity (hole) in the tooth. The filling will replace the missing enamel and dentine which make up the hard parts of a tooth.

A hole can occur for several reasons- decay, abrasion and erosion. Decay occurs when sugars and/ or acid have been allowed to build up and attack the enamel of the teeth. Abrasion happens when an area of the tooth has been worn away, and erosion occurs when the enamel has begun to dissolve due to the direct effects of acid on the tooth. This can be seen for example if you consistently eat lots of citrus fruits, suffer with stomach acid reflux or vomit on a regular basis.

By |September 12th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Fillings

Sensitive Teeth

August 11th, 2012

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Tooth sensitivity is a relatively common problem and can range from mild discomfort to sharp, sudden, shooting pain. It is triggered by a range of factors including eating or drinking something hot or cold, sweet or sour or it can be as simple as just breathing in cold air.

Causes of sensitive teeth
In healthy teeth, a layer of enamel protects the crowns of your teeth- the part above the gum line. Under the gum line a layer called cementum protects the root of the tooth. Tooth sensitivity occurs when the tooth enamel or the cementum is compromised and the dentine is exposed.

By |August 11th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Sensitive Teeth

Are Dentures the Best Solution for You?

August 11, 2012

shutterstock_82218577 (448 x 600)Dentures, bridges and implants, are the three options that are available to replace missing teeth. In this article I want to focus on dentures (‘false teeth’), which are removable devices that can replace one, several or all of your teeth.

There are several factors that will determine whether dentures are the best solution for you. Your dentist will be able to advise you but in general a denture might the most suitable route for you if, i) there has been significant loss of bone, ii) the remaining teeth are failing, iii) budget is limited.

By |August 11th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Are Dentures the Best Solution for You?

Dental Care for Children

July 21st, 2012

Dental Care for Children
87923386 Coloured Toothbrushes (434 x 600)By around the age of 2 years a child will have all 20 of their baby (deciduous) teeth. These teeth will stay with the child until the adult teeth come through which is around 6-8 years of age for the front incisors and laterals and around twelve years for the molars (the bigger teeth at the back.) It is therefore important that the baby teeth are properly cared for with good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist.

By |July 21st, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Dental Care for Children

Oral Care during Pregnancy- Vol II

June 9th, 2012
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In this second part of two dealing with oral care during pregnancy I will cover the specific dental problems that can occur as a result of being pregnant and the best way of dealing with them. Do not worry if find that you are experiencing one or more of these problems. However, ensure that you are maintaining a good dental care regime of twice daily brushing with a fluoride toothpaste and daily flossing. Try to visit your dentist at least once during your pregnancy.

By |June 9th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Oral Care during Pregnancy- Vol II

Oral Care during Pregnancy- Vol I

May 26th, 2012

shutterstock_5966077 (600 x 400)Pregnancy is an exciting time and a time of many changes both in your life and in your body. It is the hormones that are produced during pregnancy that are responsible for the changes in your body and one of the many areas that they impact is the health of the teeth and gums.

In this first article of two covering the topic of oral care during pregnancy I wanted to cover some basic steps that will help you to keep your teeth and gums healthy during your pregnancy. I will also cover some of the questions that I am often asked by expectant mothers who visit the clinic.

By |May 26th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Oral Care during Pregnancy- Vol I

The Facts about Fluoride

May 12th, 2012

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It was recently brought to my attention by a patient that there could be some misunderstanding about the benefits of fluoride in relation to dental health. Most people have heard of fluoride in toothpaste but maybe do not know why it is there and what it actually does. I wanted to clarify the facts to help you make the best choices for the health of your teeth and that of your family.

By |May 12th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on The Facts about Fluoride

Diabetes and Oral Health

April 28th, 2012shutterstock_131049584 (600 x 436)

For people living with diabetes, teeth and gum problems can be more common than for other people and the consequences can be potentially worse.

Therefore it makes sense to follow a good dental care regime. The good news is that it does not have to be complicated or significantly different to that followed by a non-diabetes sufferer and it does not have to be expensive.

By |April 28th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Diabetes and Oral Health

Dental Emergencies- Vol III

April 14th, 2012shutterstock_37233616 (600 x 450)

This article is the last in a series of three outlining the steps that should be followed if you find yourself dealing with a dental emergency.

Being informed will help you to be better prepared which could be the difference between saving or losing a tooth. As part of being prepared for a dental or any medical emergency it is advisable to save in your phone the contact numbers for your dentist, doctor and hospital.

By |April 14th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Dental Emergencies- Vol III

Dental Emergencies- Vol II

March 31st, 2012shutterstock_37233616 (600 x 450)

In this second article of three covering the topic of dental emergencies I wanted to continue to outline sensible steps that should be taken immediately if one of these emergency situations occur.

As I have said before, being prepared and knowing what to do will give you an advantage if you find yourself, partner or child needing emergency dental care and it could possibly be the difference between saving or losing a tooth or teeth.

By |March 31st, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Dental Emergencies- Vol II
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