Monthly Archives: August 2012


Sensitive Teeth

August 11th, 2012

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Tooth sensitivity is a relatively common problem and can range from mild discomfort to sharp, sudden, shooting pain. It is triggered by a range of factors including eating or drinking something hot or cold, sweet or sour or it can be as simple as just breathing in cold air.

Causes of sensitive teeth
In healthy teeth, a layer of enamel protects the crowns of your teeth- the part above the gum line. Under the gum line a layer called cementum protects the root of the tooth. Tooth sensitivity occurs when the tooth enamel or the cementum is compromised and the dentine is exposed.

By |August 11th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Sensitive Teeth

Are Dentures the Best Solution for You?

August 11, 2012

shutterstock_82218577 (448 x 600)Dentures, bridges and implants, are the three options that are available to replace missing teeth. In this article I want to focus on dentures (‘false teeth’), which are removable devices that can replace one, several or all of your teeth.

There are several factors that will determine whether dentures are the best solution for you. Your dentist will be able to advise you but in general a denture might the most suitable route for you if, i) there has been significant loss of bone, ii) the remaining teeth are failing, iii) budget is limited.

By |August 11th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Are Dentures the Best Solution for You?
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