

Crowns, Bridges and Veneers

February 9th, 2013

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Crowns, Bridges & Veneers
When talking with patients about crowns, caps, post-crowns, bridges and veneers I find that there can sometimes be some confusion. In this article I want to explain the differences between them and when that particular course of treatment might be suitable.

A veneer is a thin porcelain cover designed to go on the outside surface of a tooth. Veneers are only used on front teeth and are generally used for cosmetic purposes, for example to restore chipped or broken teeth, or to change the colour, size or shape of teeth.

By |February 9th, 2013|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Crowns, Bridges and Veneers

Bad Breath

January 26th, 2013

Bad BreathMan Covering Mouth

There are several reasons why you might experience bad breath, or halitosis, with the most common cause being poor oral hygiene. When teeth are not brushed and flossed regularly or well enough, food debris will remain in the mouth and plaque will accumulate which leads to calculus build up. Calculus is the hard, chalk-like material that cannot be removed by brushing alone. When this is allowed to build up, it can lead to gum disease and one of the symptoms of gum disease is bad breath.

By |January 26th, 2013|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Bad Breath

New Year’s Resolutions

January 12th, 2013

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With the start of January and the making of New Year’s resolutions it is a good time to have a think about our dental health and whether our current practices are ideal in ensuring that our teeth and gums are staying in great shape. Do we need to resolve that we won’t give our children candy just before going to bed? Or maybe promise that we will floss more?

By |January 12th, 2013|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on New Year’s Resolutions

Drugs used in Dental Care- Vol III

December 15th, 2012

shutterstock_131959988 (600 x 400)In this final article looking on drugs used during dental procedures I want to look at the area of anti-anxiety medication and sedation. These drugs are not used routinely due to their serious nature, the potential risks and/ or side effects, and the potential for interaction with other prescribed medication. They should also only be used for long or complex dental surgery, not for simple cleanings or fillings.

The vast majority of my patients are happily treated with the use of a local anesthetic which is effective for even complex and lengthy surgery and if required can be ‘topped-up’ during the course of the procedure. However, some patients suffer with genuine anxiety and request help in order to be able to have treatment. This is where anti-anxiety drugs or a mild- moderate sedation might be helpful.

By |December 15th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Drugs used in Dental Care- Vol III

Drugs used in Dental Care- Vol II

December 1st, 2012

shutterstock_131793590 (600 x 400)Anesthetic
Local anesthetic causes a reversible loss of sensation, or numbing feeling and is administered by the dentist. Anesthetics are used for several different treatments including fillings, extractions, implant placement and when teeth are being prepared for crowns or bridges. A topical anesthetic may be used first with children or sensitive patients in the form of a gel that is applied to the gum and gives a mild numbing sensation. When the site is mildly numb the dentist will inject a stronger anesthetic into the gum around the site where the work will be performed. This might take several injections but usually after the first one or two the anesthetic is already taking effect and you may not feel the further injections as much or at all. Once the anesthetic has taken full effect the dental procedure can be carried out painlessly.

By |December 1st, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Drugs used in Dental Care- Vol II

Drugs used in Dental Care- Vol I

November 17th, 2012shutterstock_131959988 (600 x 400)

It is not unusual that drugs may be required either during your dental appointment or afterwards and sometimes both. The type and amount will be dictated by the type of treatment you are having and to a lesser extent the type of patient you are and how you react to pain. I find however, that some patients are unsure about why certain drugs are used, the benefits they can provide plus the potential risks, especially if not used or administered properly.

By |November 17th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Drugs used in Dental Care- Vol I

Invisalign Orthodontics

November 3rd, 2012

Orthodontics is a type of dental treatment that aims to improve the appearance, position and function of crooked or abnormally arranged teeth. Orthodontic treatment may be commenced for clinical (medical) reasons such as to improve how the teeth meet and therefore function, or for cosmetic purposes such as straightening teeth or closing gaps. There are several systems available to do this, one of which is Invisalign.

By |November 3rd, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Invisalign Orthodontics

Your Diet and Your Teeth

October 20th, 2012

Your Diet and Your Teeth
shutterstock_127616702 (User-PC's conflicted copy 2013-03-22) (600 x 400)With Halloween (and candy!) just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to think about our diet and the impact it has on the health of our teeth. We all know that candy is not the best thing for teeth because of its high sugar content but you may be surprised to find out that some of the other foods and drinks that you regularly consume can also be potentially harmful to your teeth.

The message here it not necessarily to cut out all foods which contain sugar (this would be pretty challenging) but being informed about what the food you are eating contains and making sure that you follow a good oral hygiene (tooth brushing) routine.

By |October 20th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Your Diet and Your Teeth

Dental Implants

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October 6th, 2012

If you have suffered tooth-loss whether due to cavities, gum disease or injury, it is likely that you would like to fill the gap or gaps that remain. For many years, the only treatment options available were either bridges or dentures. However, dental implants may be the best solution to replace those missing teeth. They offer the most technologically advanced and the closest-to-nature solution available to replace missing teeth.

What are dental implants?
Dental implants are metal (titanium) screw-like fixtures that are secured into your jaw bone and replace the missing root of a natural tooth.

By |October 6th, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Dental Implants

Prevention is Better than Cure

September 22nd, 2012


As is true with all aspects of healthcare, prevention of dental problems is better than needing treatment: it is better for the long-term health and strength of your teeth and it is usually better for the health of your wallet!

It is no catastrophe if an adult requires the odd filling over the course of his/her lifetime. This can occur to even the most diligent of people.

By |September 22nd, 2012|Categories: TCI Weekly News|Comments Off on Prevention is Better than Cure
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