April 11th 2015
You may have heard this word used by your dentist or in relation to oral health, but what actually is gingivitis?
Gingivitis means inflammation of the gums (gingiva) and is the most common and mild form of oral disease. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, approximately 15% of adults 21- 50 years old, and 30% of adults over 50 have gum disease. It is characterized by inflammation and bleeding of the gums.
If teeth are not regularly and adequately brushed, plaque is left to build-up on the teeth. This is the soft, sticky, white film that forms on the teeth when starches and sugars react with the bacteria that is naturally present in the mouth. Plaque buildup occurs between the teeth and gums, around faulty fillings, and near poorly cleaned partial dentures, bridges, and braces. If not removed within 72 hours, plaque will harden into calculus or tartar that cannot be removed by brushing or floss.