Root Canal Treatment
June 29th 2013
Root canal treatment or ‘endodontics’ treats the inside of the tooth. “Endo” is the Greek word for “inside” and “odont” is Greek for “tooth.”
The mention of root canals or root canal treatment often elicits a groan from the patient, largely due to the fact it is often associated with pain. This is because the inside of the tooth contains soft tissue called pulp and amongst other things this pulp contains nerves- the things that tell our brain when something hurts. The pulp also contains blood vessels and connective tissue and extends from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the roots where it connects to the tissues surrounding the root. Whilst the pulp is important during a tooth’s growth and development, once a tooth is fully mature it can survive without the pulp, because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.